The city of Trieste was the birthplace or residence of many writers: James Joyce lived there for many years, from 1904 to 1915, where he taught English and immersed himself in the culture and literary life of the city. Some of Ulysses’ secondary characters are inspired by real people Joyce met in Trieste. For example, the character of Buck Mulligan borrows some of his features from Oliver St. John Gogarty, a friend and colleague of Joyce’s.
You can visit places related to Joyce, such as his former residence in Via Donato Bramante 8 and the Business School “Revoltella”, where he taught. The city also celebrates Joyce’s legacy with cultural events, lectures and literary festivals, as well as a James Joyce Museum.
Italo Svevo was born in Trieste, lived there most of his life and the city served as a backdrop for several of his novels, including “The Consciousness of Zeno” or “Senilita”.
Other writers and intellectuals associated their name with Trieste, such as Rainer Maria Rilke (Elégies in Duino), Umberto Saba or Claudio Magris.
The municipality of Trieste has developed in recent years an abundant communication on the vocation and the literary past of the city. Svevo, Joyce, Saba, became the icons of the city. Do we want to follow in the footsteps of the writers who lived and loved Trieste, just open the plates dedicated to each of them and let themselves be guided.